Our beautiful location
A warm and inviting home from home
Our nursery provides outstanding care and education for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years and up to 11 years with our wboosc kids clubs. We work to the EYFS but have also written our own four-year plan, which not only enables parents to know what care and education is being offered for their child as they grow through the different levels, but gives insight into activity planning which includes the Early years Outcomes for the different age ranges, so that parents can work closely with the team to build on developmental learning through challenging activities, onsite and beyond. Every day is full of exciting and unique experiences. We have a culture of collaboration within the Playroom. Whilst our work is with the children and much of our energy is given to their Care, Learning and Play. Individuals within the team need support and a listening ear too – how else can we manage in our daily work to be such good referees, police, teachers, waitresses, nurses, story tellers and actors – the roles in our childcare provision are endless!

Our belief and ethos within the Playroom family is that the experiences we provide, will shape young children to become invaluable members of society who will be able to approach and problem solve through an ever changing world, that may or may not be dissimilar to that in which they currently live. We operate an equal opportunities policy and put in place support for any individual who needs extra time and attention to help them develop and grow. We feel that childhood sets us all up for life – childhood is therefore forever, let’s make sure we get it right.
We recognise the importance of cultural capital, with children building the knowledge and skills that will help them prepare for future success, giving children an array of experiences, which may or may not be new to them or ‘different’ to what they see outside of nursery. Through an environment in which we hold British values as invaluable, creating a community in which diversity and individuality are not only respected but celebrated. We regularly have activities and events which highlight the importance of different cultures: visits and outings to see a complete new task (for example, posting letters or visiting the shops and paying for items which we can then bake and create with) trips to the library to learn about new ideas and places; magical carpet rides to far off lands where we can see mountains, oceans or villages and celebrating a broad variety of cultural festivals. We encourage all children to be independent learners and immerse them in the sounds and rhythms of speech, crucial for developing language. Our own nursery 17 seat mini-bus enables us to get out and about, further afield than walking, to promote curiosity, investigate, explore, excite and risk take the wider world.

Call us to talk things over
The Playroom Nursery, 70 Musters Road,
West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 7PR
Telephone: 0115 9811168 or 07536-391561
Email: info@playroomnursery.com
Opening Hours: M-F: 6.30am - 7.00pm
Visit www.wboosc.com for continuing care as your child grows older