On the outside
Out and About
We have a large purpose-built, outdoor area, designed to incorporate different natural experiences and space appropriate for a range of uses. Whilst our covered decked area provides the ideal space for little ones to crawl, walk and explore, whilst protected from the elements, our larger garden space offers provision for sand, water, our mud-kitchen and lots of gardening and planting. Our green, run and jump zone, enables children to build their gross motor skills and burn off lots of energy through fun group activities, or relax and explore in their own time – driving cars, making obstacle courses, and enjoying all that nature has to offer.

We have triple pushchairs, reins, wrist straps and hoops to walk the children with and they all wear high visibility jackets to ensure safety. Staff wear high viz too. Safety on trips is paramount.
We believe that the outdoor areas are a wonderful extension to our nursery provision and all children have daily access to it, however, we like to go beyond that. We have our 17-seater mini-bus that is fully licensed as a PSV with qualified PSV drivers. Children regularly go off on trips to the wider world. We carry out Forest School activities at places such as Sherwood Pines, Attenborough Nature Reserve, Wollaton park. We enjoy pond dipping. We climb and swing at various parks. We run and jump in large open spaces. We are creative with natural materials in the woods. We build dens. We don’t care about the weather because, most of all, we love puddle jumping!

Call us to talk things over
The Playroom Nursery, 70 Musters Road,
West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 7PR
Telephone: 0115 9811168 or 07536-391561
Email: info@playroomnursery.com
Opening Hours: M-F: 6.30am - 7.00pm
Visit www.wboosc.com for continuing care as your child grows older